Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cross-over to the next stage of life

Here am I on Mount Nebo in September 2014, where God showed Moses the promised land. It is the highest point (about 800 meters above sea level) on the Abarim mountain range, across the Jordan river facing Israel.

Moses died on Mount Nebo at 120 years of age after God showed him the promised land. Mount Nebo is across the Jordan river facing the ancient site of Jericho, the city where the children of Israel entered Canaan's land. After crossing the Jordan river, their economic position of being nomads who struggled with fears of thirst and hunger changed into that of being agricultural land-owners, and Canaan's land became Israeli land.

In this place, it is therefore especially meaningful to pray about transitions, whether it is from one stage of our personal life to the next, or the cross-over of the human race from this current age to the next.

The name of this mountain range, 
עברים Abarim, is a plural form of the Hebrew root עבר (abar), meaning to pass over, by, through.

After the children of Israel invaded and destroyed the inhabitants of Canaan's land, the second generation leader, Joshua, built an altar to the Lord. As the Israelites watched, he copied onto the altar stones Moses' instruction. (Joshua 8)

The law of Moses was all the more relevant in the context of the destructive Canaanite practices in that age. 

Why did God command Israel to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan?

In September 2014, the Cathedral of Glory pastor brought us up this mountain for All Night Prayer and altar building. (Video of an altar building that I was part of)

During day time, it can be as hot as 35 degrees Celsius. After midnight, the temperature fell to lower than 15 degrees Celsius. On one such All Night Prayer at the Asklepion (in Turkey where Hippocrates began the scientific approach to western medicine), I was so cold that my mind went blank and the only thing I could pray was: I'm very cold.

Why does the church pray all night?

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